Special Forces.Net http://www.specialforces.net/ |
Solider of Fortune http://www.sofmag.com/ |
U.S. Air Force Special Forces During the Cold War http://www.kimsoft.com/1997/haas2.htm |
Special Intelligence Agent, US Air Force, and his contributions to the Korean War http://www.kimsoft.com/korea/nichols.htm |
Covert Action Quarterly http://www.worldmedia.com/caq/ |
U.S. Army Special Forces http://users.aol.com/armysof1/SpecialForces.html |
To Be A Warrior (Special Forces Web Links) http://www.accessorl.net/~cyberwar/warrior.htm |
Eighth Army Special Operations in the Korean War http://www.kimsoft.com/korea/darkmoon.htm |
African National Congress Manual for Covert Actions gopher://gopher.anc.org.za/00/SACP/history/secret.wrk |
Steve McGarret's Paramilitary Special Ops Page https://members.tripod.com/~SteveMcGarret/ |
Covert Operations On-Line http://www.covertops.com/ |
A Study of Assassinations http://www.seas.gwu.edu/nsarchive/NSAEBB/NSAEBB4/ciaguat2.html
A document that provides some interesting information on assassinations |
MILNET- Special / Elite Force http://www.milnet.com/milnet/elite.htm
A list of different Elite Forces throughout the world. |
Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare http://www.kimsoft.com/guerilla.htm |
Special Operations.Com http://www.specialoperations.com/ Extensive site with special forces and intelligence related links |
US Naval Special Warfare Archives http://www.frii.com/~rdruss |
"Shadow Warriors" article http://www.vfw.com/magazine/sep97/24.shtml
Article from the Veteran's of Foreign Wars magazine |
USAF Special Tactics http://www.specialtactics.com/ Complete and detailed information on USAF Special Tactics, Pararescue and Combat Control. |
1276 North: Unofficial 1st Ranger Battalion http://www.pipeline.com/~bco175-ranger/1276n.html
The Unofficial Bravo Company Home Page |
75th Ranger Regiment Association http://www.75thassoc.org/index.html
This site is updated often, and contains the latest information from the 75th Ranger Regiment Association. Sign up, and become a member online, or purchase some goodies from the quartermaster store |
Brotherhood of Rangers http://www2.gdi.net/~gengreb/ Gil's site provides the latest information concerning Operation Overlord 98 |
Airborne Ranger.Com http://www.airborneranger.com/ This website is for posting your images, stories, drawings, artwork and anything else you want everyone to see about your experience, being, or knowing RANGERS. I hope that everyone will participate in this little adventure and post some great stories for us all to enjoy. |
Combined U.S. Military Ranger Associations http://www.ranger.org/ |
House's Ranger HomePage http://www.ohiovet.com/ranger.htm |
Long Range Surveillance http://members.aol.com/khines5330/lrslc.htm |
Ranger Stories from Hell http://cueball.nemonet.com/users/laughlin/ranger/ |
Ranger Training Brigade http://www-benning.army.mil/rtb/rtbmain.htm |
Another Ranger page http://www-personal.umd.umich.edu/~rfreiber/ranger_html/ranger.html |
Airborne Ranger The US Army Rangers provide units of well-disciplined soldiers who possess the knowledge and courage to operate on their own, deep behind enemy lines. |
U.S. Army Ranger Association http://www.ranger.org/usara/usara.htm |
Eric's Navy SEALs Site http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/Bunker/8727/ |
Special Warfare Web Page http://www.blarg.net/~whitet/specwar.html
Look here for information on SEALs, the SAS, Delta Force, and other elite units the world over. |
PARADIGGER'S SPECIAL OPERATIONS SITE http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/3936/
Navy SEALs Homepage http://www.the-south.com/TheTeams/ |
NAVY SEALS.COM http://www.navyseals.com/
This on-line adventure is dedicated to those men who have gone where most men don't dare... To those men who do what most men won't ... and to those who have laid down their lives in the service of their country and for their fellow NCDU/UDT/SEAL swim buddy. |
LOTI Group's Navy SEAL Team website http://www.navysealteams.com/ |
Jim Thede's USAF Pararescue Homepage http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/6707/ |
Marine Expeditionary Units http://www.usmc.mil/meus/meus.nsf/help?openhelp
With a strength of about 2,200 personnel, the MEU is normally built around a reinforced battalion, a composite aircraft squadron, and by a MEU Service Support group. |
Force Recon http://www.wlu.edu/~tilitzen/ForceRecon/ |
Scout/Sniper Plt. 2/23 http://www.marinescoutsniper.com/ |
"Overlord" Special Forces & Counter-Terrorism http://home.istar.ca/~overlord/
Dedicated to Freedom, the focus of this site is to bring you information on Special Forces, Counter Terrorism Units, Special Operations from around the world, and the state of Freedom as we know it today. |
Australian Special Forces Site http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/Quarters/6214/ |
Britain's Elite Fighting Force http://hem1.passagen.se/inlajn/index.htm
This site is dedicated to the Worlds Greatest Special Force unit |
British Special Air Service http://home.wxs.nl/~haan0329/index.htm |
Special Forces.Net http://www.janrix.com/specialforces/default.htm |